Hazel Atlas produced this
depression glass pattern in the mid-1930s under the name of
Cloverleaf. The major pattern has a band of three-leaf clovers
encircling each piece. A variation was made which included random four
leaf clovers, and can be found on a cereal bowl, a cup and saucer only.
The 4-leaf clover variant is more difficult to find, and subsequently
commands about twice the price of the three-leaf pattern.
were three different styles of depression glass tumblers, above is the
5 3/4" footed tumbler in the Hazel Atlas yellow. In addition,
ther is a 4" flat tumbler with a straight rim and a 4" flat tumbler
with a flared rim. Green is the predominantly sought after color,
however the pink is usually much harder to find.
Learn more about Hazel Atlas Glass
at the Official
Website, along with hundreds of pictures, pages, and price

Atlas Glass Cloverleaf
A great addition to any depression glass collection is the
beautifully intricate Hazel Atlas cloverleaf cup and saucer. The above
variety is the standard 3-leaf clover pattern. Cup and saucer sets can
easily be found in the $12-$15 range.
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